Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The best video ever!
Friday, December 5, 2008
A change of perspective
But these measures and counter-measures often were targeted at one single community, Muslims. I had a Muslim friend while I was in England, and after the 9/11 blasts, he often used to joke that having to get visa was like offering yourself as the 'sacrificial goat' to the visa officers. But recent savagery of the Malegoan blasts and the community clashes in Orissa changes everything that was thought about terrorists.
Reports that right-wing Hindu parties are involved in the blasts is definitely shocking. But even more shocking is the involvement of the 'sadhvi', Pragnya Singh in the Malegoan blast. How, I wonder, can a sadhvi even think about choosing to carry out such an act of atrocity is beyond anyone to comprehend (other than herself and the right-wingers of course).
What all these events really changes is the perspective in which terrorism was hunted. The 'community' and 'Muslim' tag no longer apply. The police and politicians can no longer 'pass' the blame straight away into the 'Muslim' camp anymore than the 'Hindu' camp. Muslim neighbourhoods are in as much risk as Hindu, which true even before.
How did this come to pass? How did the RSS fall into the right-wing mind-set? But going a bit deeper into my own history, the answer was not that hard to find.
I was a little boy of around 8-10 and my friend eagerly told me that there are a group of people who play football everyday in the garden nearby. We readily decided to go there the following morning. When we reached there, the game had already commenced and we asked the leader there if they can accommodate us. He agreed, on the condition that we salute the RSS flag which was hoisted and then he would sort us in the teams.
Now this was no problem for my friend, who readily saluted the flag and started playing. However, I refused to salute their flag and was not allowed to play. I watched my friend play football and then learn how to fight with a lathi.
Now, at the time I think was just out of ego that i refused to bow to their flag, I now feel how the seeds of extremism were planted right from the start. As the RSS organisation grew in numbers, the water was fed to the seeds and now its such a huge tree with many branches, all of different shades of colours that it is hard to distinguish the left from the extreme right.
The job for the police and politicians ahead is extremely difficult. Whichever party takes office once the elections are over will have to be truly secular in their approach. BJP's 'Hindutva' campaign has grossly backfired, not to mention their close links with the RSS and VHP, both of which have proved that they will not refrain from using force to implement their agenda.
As for Police and ATS and CBI and any other secret and not-so-secret outfits which try to curb and prevent terrorism, it is time change the perspective of investigating a terrorist act. Finding the motive of the blast is of utmost importance now as both Hindu and Muslim groups head for the supremacy of their race.
It is Mahabharat all over again, with Hindus on one side and Muslims and Christians on the other. And like the earlier one, unless a political solution is reached at with something for all the communities, this one will also end up drowning India and kalyug will start all over again.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Gandhian way!
I try and read as much as I can in the busy weekdays that I work. And catch up on the weekends for more. And its been a while since I actually read something which demotes the current capitalist values and accentuates the hideous policies his adapted country (USA) has followed followed throughout the last few decades. The article was published in The Hindu by an NRI and can be read here:-
The author here makes some interesting points about how 'The American Way' to go about in this world is not the way to peace. Although he starts and ends the article promoting the Gandhian way to live simply and in harmony with nature, and more importantly with your fellowmen, whether they be friend or foe, there is little other mention of the Father of the Nation.
But let us not forget the importance of his teachings in these troubled times. Desire and covetousness has seldom led men to their destruction. Similarly, the desire to earn more and to live the American way has been incorporated in todays living. People want everything from fancy beds to sleep and houses to stay to the latest and greatest in mobile phones money can buy. However, these happiness are short-lived. As Gandhi pointed out a long time ago:
Happiness does not come with things, even 20th century things. It can come from work, and pride in what you do!
And how true this is can be evident once you let go of things. Peace comes automatically.
My point here is happiness is not the eventuality of things. Peace is. The mistake most of us make is mistaking happiness for peace whereas happiness can be bought, peace cannot. Happiness is short-lived, peace is long-lasting. Happiness is being with others, peace is being oneself. Happiness creates more desires, peace gives satisfaction.
The periods of testing and suffering bring you near to peace once they are over, makes you realise your mettle. Makes you stronger. The idea is to develop this feeling of peace at all times.
Gandhi was one of the modernest thinkers of all in the whole of past century. His ideas of peace, non-violence and truth are not only the deliverables for peace, but are increasingly relevant during the turning and twisting times we are seeing today. As the author in the above article points out, the goal should be to realise that even as globalisation putatively improves the standards of living of vast swathes of the rural population today, it would be foolish to depend on materialistic things and monetary benefits as the bringers of peace to you, or the world.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Two of the V.V.Worst group to have come up in India in the recent years!
Although technically, Bajrang Dal (BD) was the first one to come into existence, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is the first one to climb the ladder of worstness, quickly followed by Bajrang Dal.
The recent violent communal clashes in the states are in Orissa and Karnataka. And the most recent one, Vadodara, Gujarat which prompted me into writing this post. Gujarat has a bitter history of communal clashes in the last 2 decades, in 1993 & then again 2002. And at the centre of it all were three parties, BD, VHP and ofcourse, Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP).
Although I won't stress on the obviousness of the futility of such violence, I would like to point out its political implications.
BJP today is close ally of BD and VHP. And although Congress is doing a less than mediocre job of their duties as the government in power, at least they are high in moral values. What I mean to say is, they have always promoted inter-communal harmony and the way forward as the mingling of people from all factions of the society. And one cannot ignore the fact that Orissa, Karnataka and Gujarat are all BJP ruled states. Unless the BJP takes some steps to prevent them from being branded as the hardcore extremist violence-oriented, minority-hating party, they won't last long on the political arena. Because no matter what their stand in these matters, Indians are normally peace-loving people who have accepted all people, no matter what their background, race, colour, religion throughout its history.
I say this because I sincerely believe that BJP has the capabilities (better than Congress) to bring this country into prosperity, and world power indeed. But not in the traditional sense as America is. No way, far from it. On the other hand, I would like India to be power in a sense such that brokers peace between warring countries, and supporting what is right no matter what the consequences.
But to do that, they would really have to break the cord of allegiance to BD and VHP, esp. VHP because of its highly eccentric view about the minority communities in India. Pravin Togadia is one of the worst person to be born in India, and worse still is he is the leader of a party. When you see this man speaking, the only thing that oozes from his mouth is hatred and vengeance. Something India has never harnessed in its long history even after being a victim of imperialism and ruling by foreign powers.
India has always been a tolerant state and will be. And sooner Pravin Togadia and his gang of violent rowdies understand this, the better we can come out of miseries and poverty and make this country a prosperous one.
Jai Hind!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yankee hegemony finished? Really?
Today, a report in the Hindu quotes Hugo Chavez as saying,
Yankee Hegemony finished!
And in the same paper,on the same page just below the article I see the following,
Gilani backs Kayani's salvo against US operations.
Before you ask (in case there's any American reading this), Gilani is the new President of Pakistan and Kayani is the General of Pakistan's army. And the report said that Bush had approved the movement of US troops into Pakistan for "strategic operations", WITHOUT the approval of Islamabad. And the raison d'ĂȘtre? Strategically clearing the Pakistan militant outposts is the only way to win the war in Afghanistan.
Now clearly, has the hegemony really ended?
Technically, no. Since US still is a major power in the world today (economically and militarily-wise). But I would say today more countries support US because they are afraid of their over-developed trigger finger. And they like to prove it now and then by bombing a few nations every once-in-a-while. Guess it gives them some kind of assurance that 'Okay, we are still cool!'
But in a global scale, I would say the hegemony is actually coming to its end. Recent events if you see, the world is increasingly becoming a bi-polar partisan where on one side we see Russia (who is I believe morally correct even after Georgia invasion because it was Georgia which attached South Ossetia - which has big Russian population - in the first place) who now enjoys support of not only the Republic of China, but also other South American countries (see recent war games of Russia and Venezuela). And as far as we know, South American countries share excellent rapport between them. So, if they feel any threat from the Americans (which I believe they do, and the reason for their ties with Russia), it won't be long before we see the Latin America united under one banner, support loud and clear in favour of Russia.
On the other hand, we have US of A, who is backed today by Western and some countries in Eastern Europe.
So we are increasingly seeing this bi-polar divide in the world, and pretty fast at that. The new cold war has begun. The countries are choosing their loyalties, and it won't be long before those countries which are neutral now (like India) will be forced to choose which side they belong to.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
What about your own mess, Mr. Bush?
In the article by VOA news,, the great Mr. Bush of the US of A states this, and I quote,
In his weekly Saturday radio address released Friday, Mr. Bush called Russia's invasion of Georgia "completely unacceptable."
Well, what can you do but laugh at such outrageous comments about someone else's mess when their own courtyard is full of mud and vomit, when they themselves have not fulfilled the promise of rebuilding Afghanistan, vacating Iraq gradually (its been more than 4 years now, you know)?
Maybe the US doesn't think so, but it is time they changed the way they think. The dirty tactics used CIA and FBI (and while we are on this cliche issue, all the Intelligence agencies of the world) and start thinking in terms of building peace measures.
And please stop using the excuse that "terrorism" doesn't believe in peace. India has been a victim of terrorism for more than 3 decades now, far longer than America. We have seen more soldiers killed on our borders just defending our country. There have been more terrorist attacks on India and more people have been killed than all the western countries put together.
And yet, India has never thought about invading other country even when we have proof that the country was responsible for the attack. Yet, I believe, our Intelligence agencies and government (no matter which one) thinks about strengthening ties with that country.
India has always believed in peace. The Indian Prime Minister yesterday expressed regret and grief about Pakistan's role in Kabul's embassy bombings. Never anger, or intent to harm the country, or its citizens. India has always believed in peace and dialogue, even in the time of greatest of crisis (think of British colonialism and India's peaceful non-cooperation movement).
I think the GREAT US of A should learn something from India. I think it is time that our great epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, are made available from publicly and easily, not to spread Hinduism, mind you. Not at all. But to spread the great message of peace that these two epics convey.
Today, on the 61st Indian Independence Day, I feel proud and honoured to be born in this country. And if I ever have to reborn on this Earth, I would ask God to make me again, an INDIAN!
Jai Hind!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
TATA Internet Broadband Service
Well, what can I say about them, the lesser the said, the better for them. But what the heck, I am going to say it anyway. I mean, its what I started this post for, right? So here goes!
I took the TATA INTERNET BROADBAND 3-months prepaid connection on 6th August, and they had it installed on 7th. And my roommate (who also has Tata connection, but postpaid) told me that they did the install pretty fast. It took them 3 days to installation for him. Well, that made me beam from end to end, and I was a happy man.
What I didn't know was that this TATA BROADBAND INTERNET CONNECTION was going to a cause of great anxiety and tremendous fury over the next couple of days.
The first trouble started over the speed. They claimed the speed to be 384Kbps. Now, according to the International standards, the actual speed you get is:
<actual speed claimed>/8
which brings the speed I should get to around 48Kbps. But the average speed I was getting were only 35Kbps. But I let it pass. Didn't do anything about it, thinking it would go up gradually. And even it didn't, it wasn't a great problem.
But then the trouble started. 2 days in, my connection was no longer working. I called up the guy who set up the connection for me, and he told me that there is a cable problem in that area (although my flatmate's connection worked alright). I bought their story and they told me it would be working by 6:00PM in the evening. So I said, great! Not a problem.
The clock struck 6, the hour and minute hand as perfectly in sync as the cuts in a diamond. And I was as burning as black as the carbon from which it is made. The connection was not up yet.
And so, I called the guy up again to tell him that connection is not yet up, and he tells me that he will send a person tomorrow to fix it up for you. I said okay (since there was nothing else that I could actually do except agree). So, next morning, I am waiting for him to come till 12 noon (since he said he would come in the morning). Then I give him a call, and he tells me after 10 mins that a person is on the way. Now, I would not like to bore you with what happened in the net few hours, but the person managed to arrive at 6:00PM.
He did something and Voila!, my connection was up and running.
I went to office quite happy (I work nights) thinking about what I would do tomorrow now that my connection is up again. But a shock awaited me when I would reach home.
You guessed it! The connection was down again!
Now, instead of calling the person, I checked the documents he had given me when I bought the connection, and I found the number (044) 060 7070 for Chennai customer service. I called them up and found out that my account had been de-activated because I hadn't paid the money. My cheque had bounced.
Now, I tried and explained them that I had paid CASH when I bought the account. But he insisted that I call Mr. Nazeem up as there was nothing he could do about it. But I managed to get the distributors' number from him. It was Mr. Shankar.
I hung up and called Mr. Nazeem up and explained the situation in the nicest fashion. He asked for 10 minutes to find out what's up with my account. But he never called back.
I am not exactly frustrated yet, I am a patient man. But when I tried to call him back at around 2 PM, he would not pick up my calls. Basically, ignoring me. After calling him about 20 times and getting ignored, when I was just about to give up, he answered his phone.
And instead of speaking lightly, he started shouting at me that I am harassing him! I mean, now I am laughing at it, but imagine my surprise and annoyance that he tells me that I am calling him. And now, I am pissed too. So I call him something that I now regret calling him. But even so, I think he deserved it. And hung up the phone.
I called Mr. Shankar up (whose number I had got from the tech support guy from the number 044 60607070) and explained the situation politely. He has asked me to wait another two hours because their machines are down (I wonder how many times their machines go down in a week, and the number of times it goes down, I shudder that they are actually providing the service).
And it is during this period of waiting that I am writing this post, waiting for the connection to come up, check the news, hear Osho speak about the word 'fuck' on, in hope that I would be able to do so in two hours' time.
My suggestion, avoid TATA INTERNET BROADBAND SERVICE like the plague, for eventually you will end writing something of the kind I have just written. Un-pleasant experiences.
P.S. Would let you know how it goes after two hours, or whenever I get the chance to surf the Internet again. I am uploading this post through my mobile GPRS connection, while my friend is blissfully asleep (he works night shifts too)!
I can only say
Friday, August 8, 2008
India's New anthem!!!
Hello people!!! Check this out. And don't forget to leave your comment below!!!
‘Buddha – a story of Enlightenment’ by Deepak Chopra
I recently read a book titled ‘Buddha – a story of Enlightenment’ by Deepak Chopra. Well, before I say anything about the book, I must tell you that I have never read anything about Buddha before. I had definitely heard of him, but never really knew what he promoted.
And so, with little knowledge of what was about to come, I started to read.
Beginning with the technicality, the book is divided into 3 sections, his life as a prince in the kingdom of Kapilavatsu, his life as an ascetic and then the enlightenment. I have believed in God all my life. This book changed everything. I have been intrigued.
Buddha literally means ‘The Enlightened One’. That is free from thoughts, free from any misgivings, freedom from suffering. He experiences no pain, no grief, no sadness, no anger, and no jealousy. And Deepak Chopra goes as far as saying ‘Freedom from Karma’.
Buddha also says that suffering is universal. All beings that take birth have to suffer, and eventually die. And if suffering is universal, then what purpose is served by God? Why is he intent on making people suffer? Is there really an end to all this?
Buddha says freedom from karma is really freedom from everything. The real moksh. Once the cycle of karma stops, you achieve moksh. But how do you stop your karma? This book has tried to explain it, but I think its a frugal attempt at that. Stopping karma is like stopping time itself. It’s a state of self-realisation where you are aware of nothing, and yet everything. You stop your karma, and you stop making any mistakes. Your paap and punya account stops. You are free from the life-cycle of birth and rebirth. You are one with him. You transform into Buddha!
This book opens up a great new outlook on life, new meaning to things and a throws some light on the teachings of Buddha. This book has intrigued me on his teachings, and I plan to read more books on Buddha.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Way to go, Mr. Kevin Rudd, PM of Australia...:-)
Just read this news of Mr. Kevin Rudd visiting Hiroshima to pay homage to the victims of the brutal attack of America on Japan.
Reading this article, it reminds me how totally brutal and unprovoked the response was of the U.S. of America. If memory serves me right, and if I go by the history books, I distinctly remember reading that Japan was on the verge of losing, and was about to surrender. It has suffered heavy defeats against the Chinese and other so called 'Allied' nations.
And then, something happened that nobody thought was possible. America nuked Japan, TWICE! I for one definitely think that it should be considered as a war crime and America should also be punished for what it did to millions of people, effects of which are seen even today in Hiroshima & Nagasaki. People are born with deformities even today!
Anyway, I think this is a great step towards making world a better place to live, and peace reign. America should be the first to realise the mistake it made 50 years ago and actively start to dismember more than 1500 odd nukes that it possesses. It is time for them to put aside their fears and suspicions about other countries and start trusting them. It is America's untrusting and selfish nature which creates so much unrest in the world today.
Peace to all!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
60 years since Human Rights Bill was passed, yet it is still far from achieved...
Yes, that is true. There is not enough funding, nor is enough attention being given neither in countries where it is required, nor by countries who actually took up the responsibilities. In fact, those who pledged that that they will fund the countries with human rights violation are themselves violating it by attacking other countries, in the name of 'Democracy'.
Today, we have far more Human Rights violation zones than 60 years ago. The recent ones are Darfur in Sudan and Iraq (under the new tyrant called America)! China still keeps strict vigil on everything that goes in and out of the country, and how can we forget what happened at Guantanamo Bay? The ever-lasting Israel-Palestine issue, and Tony Blair, who had tied hands with Bush for attacking Iraq, is the 'Peace' Ambassador there. I have never heard of a better example of irony in World Politics.
The one country which makes the most noise when it comes to Human Rights is the Unites States of America, the one country which has constantly broken the World Peace through its "righteous" war in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Afghanistan again & Iraq again. And what has been the outcome of all these wars?
No, not loss of Human lives. That was the minor one. The outcome was profit for the politicians and world bankers. They are the ones who finance the wars, after all, and make HUMONGOUS profits from it. The Vietnam war lasted around 10 years, when it could have stopped years ago.
The leaders of America don't give a damn about people, even American people. They want nice, tidy profits. And they will go to any extent to achieve it.
With so many human rights violations committed by the sworn protectors themselves, what could be expected of the dictators in Africa? Set an example, developed countries of the world. Stop making weapons. Destroy the ones you already have. Give confidence to other nations and show your intent and resolution towards non-violence. And maybe, a day will come where the people of the world will bask in the world which is free of weapons & poverty! A world where all are treated equal.
Peace to all.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Attacking Iran is NOT off the table: Bush
Bush has always supported military action, with support of other countries, or without. Despite the opposition of the world countries, UN Security Council and US citizens themselves.
Although it is a widely known fact now that main reason for attacking Afghanistan in the first place was Oil, it is less widely known that the attack had been planned for years in advance.
I recently happened to see a documentary called 'Zeitgeist' relational to the America's history, their true loyalties, the misguided public, the Federal bank, and the good-for-nothing mass media. Although some stuff in the documentary is really baseless, its hard to ignore some of the professionals involved in the investigation of 9/11 talking about the obvious ambiguity of the 9/11 Commission Report.
Then, even before this war in Afghanistan could be won, they went ahead and attacked Iraq, on the grounds of establishing 'Democracy'. Where are all the promises of re-building Afghanistan?
Even in Iraq, the main motive has always been Oil. Is it right, warring in other countries in the name of peace, but really only to fulfil their own selfish purposes?
This article here on,, has Israel's radio announcing that they are planning to attack Iran. When will this end?
I know that the President of Iran doesn't view Israel or US kindly. But even so, it really hasn't done what US has done. Attacking other countries.
And mind you, there is still no proof that it is supporting the terrorist activities of Hizbollah. And besides, it is only doing what America has always done, defending itself.
Please let me make it clear that I do not support Iran in building nuclear weapons. But I believe that if you want to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons, why not destroy your own first, and then ask others not to make them. This is again like the non-proliferation treaty where it asked everyone not to make nuclear weapons, but itself went along and tested them.
I believe the only way to stop all this is through World Peace! Destroy all weapons, regard all as humans, withdraw all your armies, and manage and take care of your own people.
As Gandhiji has aptly put:
'An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.'
Non-violence at ALL costs!