I try and read as much as I can in the busy weekdays that I work. And catch up on the weekends for more. And its been a while since I actually read something which demotes the current capitalist values and accentuates the hideous policies his adapted country (USA) has followed followed throughout the last few decades. The article was published in The Hindu by an NRI and can be read here:-
The author here makes some interesting points about how 'The American Way' to go about in this world is not the way to peace. Although he starts and ends the article promoting the Gandhian way to live simply and in harmony with nature, and more importantly with your fellowmen, whether they be friend or foe, there is little other mention of the Father of the Nation.
But let us not forget the importance of his teachings in these troubled times. Desire and covetousness has seldom led men to their destruction. Similarly, the desire to earn more and to live the American way has been incorporated in todays living. People want everything from fancy beds to sleep and houses to stay to the latest and greatest in mobile phones money can buy. However, these happiness are short-lived. As Gandhi pointed out a long time ago:
Happiness does not come with things, even 20th century things. It can come from work, and pride in what you do!
And how true this is can be evident once you let go of things. Peace comes automatically.
My point here is happiness is not the eventuality of things. Peace is. The mistake most of us make is mistaking happiness for peace whereas happiness can be bought, peace cannot. Happiness is short-lived, peace is long-lasting. Happiness is being with others, peace is being oneself. Happiness creates more desires, peace gives satisfaction.
The periods of testing and suffering bring you near to peace once they are over, makes you realise your mettle. Makes you stronger. The idea is to develop this feeling of peace at all times.
Gandhi was one of the modernest thinkers of all in the whole of past century. His ideas of peace, non-violence and truth are not only the deliverables for peace, but are increasingly relevant during the turning and twisting times we are seeing today. As the author in the above article points out, the goal should be to realise that even as globalisation putatively improves the standards of living of vast swathes of the rural population today, it would be foolish to depend on materialistic things and monetary benefits as the bringers of peace to you, or the world.
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