Bush has always supported military action, with support of other countries, or without. Despite the opposition of the world countries, UN Security Council and US citizens themselves.
Although it is a widely known fact now that main reason for attacking Afghanistan in the first place was Oil, it is less widely known that the attack had been planned for years in advance.
I recently happened to see a documentary called 'Zeitgeist' relational to the America's history, their true loyalties, the misguided public, the Federal bank, and the good-for-nothing mass media. Although some stuff in the documentary is really baseless, its hard to ignore some of the professionals involved in the investigation of 9/11 talking about the obvious ambiguity of the 9/11 Commission Report.
Then, even before this war in Afghanistan could be won, they went ahead and attacked Iraq, on the grounds of establishing 'Democracy'. Where are all the promises of re-building Afghanistan?
Even in Iraq, the main motive has always been Oil. Is it right, warring in other countries in the name of peace, but really only to fulfil their own selfish purposes?
This article here on jpost.com, http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1210668683139&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull, has Israel's radio announcing that they are planning to attack Iran. When will this end?
I know that the President of Iran doesn't view Israel or US kindly. But even so, it really hasn't done what US has done. Attacking other countries.
And mind you, there is still no proof that it is supporting the terrorist activities of Hizbollah. And besides, it is only doing what America has always done, defending itself.
Please let me make it clear that I do not support Iran in building nuclear weapons. But I believe that if you want to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons, why not destroy your own first, and then ask others not to make them. This is again like the non-proliferation treaty where it asked everyone not to make nuclear weapons, but itself went along and tested them.
I believe the only way to stop all this is through World Peace! Destroy all weapons, regard all as humans, withdraw all your armies, and manage and take care of your own people.
As Gandhiji has aptly put:
'An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.'
Non-violence at ALL costs!
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